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Akhila Malankara Orthodox Shusrushaka Sangham (AMOSS)


AMOSS Swiss Unit Inauguration

       AMOSS is a movement working on the following objectives:


  1. To give instructions to the altar assistants of the parish to make uniformity in the worship of the church and to serve systematically.

  2. To mold people to have God’s grace, and dedication, who follow spiritual & sacramental life, and who have the worldly experience to reside as servants in the sacramental service of the holy church.

Terms: Content or images of the site are not allowed to copy without the written permission of St.Gregorios Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Switzerland.

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Rev.Fr.Vivek Varghese

Convitto Internazionale San Tommaso d'Aqunio

Via degli Ibernesi 20

00184, Rome Italy


Tel:+39 334 521 6098


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